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Image by Yakov Leonov

Retail Price List

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3.5” $6.50

Quart Standard $10.00

Quart Premium $12.00

1g Standard $15.00

1g Premium $19.00

1g Hellebore $27.00

8” Hellebore $27.00

1g Peony $22.00

2g Peony $35.00

3g Peony $45.00

2g Itoh Peony $62.00

3g Itoh Peony $108.00


Premium Perennials include:

  • Bearded Iris, Brunnera, Cimicifuga, specialty Echinacea varieties, Ferns, Heuchera, Jacob's Ladder, Ligularia, Pulmonaria, Rozanne Geranium

  • Specialty branded such as Proven Winners and Monrovia







1g Standard $15.00

1g Premium $19.00

2g Standard $25.00

2g Premium $36.00

3g Standard $34.00

3g Premium $46.00

5g Standard $39.00

5g Premium $50.00

6g Standard $45.00

6g Premium $55.00

3g Daphne $75.00

5g Daphne $110.00

7g Daphne $155.00


Premium Shrubs include:

  • Roses, Hydrangeas, specialty Lilac varieties, Evergreens, Yuccas, and Vines

  • Specialty branded such as Proven Winners, Monrovia, and First Editions











1g Standard $14.00

1g Premium $17.00

2g $25.00

3g $29.00

5g $35.00


Deciduous Trees

7g Standard $125.00

7g Premium $145.00

7g Hydrangea tree form $180.00

10g Standard $165.00

10g Premium $225.00

15g Standard $195.00

15g Premium $255.00

20g Standard $260.00

20g Premium $325.00

25g Standard $350.00

25g Premium $400.00

1.5" b&b Standard $255.00

1.5" b&b Premium $295.00

1.75" b&b Standard $300.00

1.75" b&b Premium $345.00

2" b&b Standard $350.00

2" b&b Premium $400.00

2.5" b&b Standard $395.00

2.5" b&b Premium $450.00


Premium Trees include:

  • Hornbeam, Redbud, Beech, Ginkgo, Magnolia, and Columnar Oak

  • Hydrangea use premium price except on 7g


Fruit Trees

5g $85.00

7g $115.00

10g $145.00

15g $165.00

7g Fig $70.00

10g Espalier $205.00


Laceleaf Japanese Maples

7g $220.00

10g $290.00

15g $350.00

20g $375.00

25g $400.00

30g $570.00


Upright Japanese Maples

7g $190.00

10g $260.00

15g $300.00

20g $370.00

25g $390.00

30g $570.00

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